We already gave you the insights to what consumers look for when shopping online. And one thing consumers are never tired of seeing is, things that are new! That is why as an online seller you need to keep up with the trends and introduce them immediately to your line of products.

There are a couple of rules you can follow to make sure you never miss out on the latest trends to catch more online shoppers.

Discovering diversity

The moment an online shopper sees something he likes he’ll want to know what else is available to him. Consumers tend to browse before they settle on the items they want to buy.

#TIP: When you sell multiple products, make sure they are different in terms of styles, patterns and capabilities. If you sell pots and pans, you can have a variety in terms or ceramic, steel, cast iron and copper utensils for sale.

Keeping up with the times

The modern generation wants what’s new. New phones, dress patterns, innovative gadgets and so on. You can try exploring the market. Look at your competitors and what they are selling online and offline. Look at consumer expectations through the questions sections and reviews of your existing products.

#TIP: Try looking at your competition’s reviews too. See what the customer is looking for and introduce products that meet these requirements.

Bang for their buck

Make each purchase worth every single penny. Offer combos and freebies if they are within your budget.

#TIP: Offer free samples with limited edition combos. This can help you sell more and advertise your other products too. So if consumers like the samples you offer, they might just pick up the actual product from you next time.

Spotted at a sale

Online shoppers go crazy for products on sale. The moment prices drop consumers are more inclined to make purchases.

TIP: When you participate in sales, your products get more visibility. So besides getting more sales you get also get more people viewing your products.

Attention to details

Online shoppers pay attention to details, especially since they cannot touch and feel product being sold online. Organised product descriptions and visuals are more attractive. Also, correct measurements and sizes make a world of difference to online shoppers.

TIP: Well described products with perfect images help reduce returns and give sellers the chances to recover their money in case of returns on marketplaces.

As long as you keep offering your consumers value for their money they will keep coming back to you. Following these rules will help you improve your ecommerce attractiveness and gather more online shoppers. For more pointers on how you can take your online retail to the next level get in touch with the experts at Browntape! We are India’s leading ecommerce experts and we are always happy to help.

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