Our greatest satisfaction is in seeing your business grow.

… and we’ll do all we can to make it rewarding.


Our Purpose

  • Being a pioneer in the industry, our purpose is to make e-commerce selling, a simple, enjoyable and profit-making process for users; regardless of the size of their business. 
  • We aim to consistently achieve this, by always ensuring that our software is a  step ahead of the exponentially growing e-commerce industry in India. We foresee e-commerce fuelling entrepreneurship & business growth, in the upcoming years. As Browntape, we are happy to be a catalyst of this economic transformation.

Our Core Beliefs

  • Cutting-edge technology is our key driver. It keeps us striving to achieve more.
  • Design is not an afterthought, it is embedded throughout our creation process.
  • Customer service is not a department. It is deeply ingrained in every action taken by an employee. 
  • What gets measured, gets improved. Data is at the core of everything that we do.

Our Story

Every start-up has a unique story, and it’s only when everything comes together that one can truly connect the dots. Browntape began as a solution to a problem. The journey started when co-founder Piyush Goel was completing his PhD in the UK. His friends ventured into selling products on eBay and found success quickly. However, their growing online business brought with it the challenge of managing orders and inventories, which became a tedious daily task.

Scrobbld: The Beginning
Faced with the increasing difficulty of managing daily order volumes manually, Piyush, along with Ian Morgan, developed a quick tool to help their friends keep track of orders, shipments, and more. This tool significantly reduced the time spent on daily operations. Realizing its potential to assist more sellers, they launched it as Scrobbld.

Parting Ways
As their studies concluded, Ian and Piyush went separate ways. Ian continued writing programs for diagnosing faulty marine engines and other machine learning applications in the UK while acting as a guardian for Scrobbld. Piyush’s passion for user experience design led him to join a leading UX design firm in Goa, India.

The Birth of Browntape
Successful start-up stories often involve being in the right place, at the right time, and meeting the right people. The UX design firm in Goa was led by Gurpreet Singh. Under his leadership, the firm grew from scratch to nearly a million dollars in turnover in just four years. Inspired by this success, Gurpreet decided to join Piyush and Ian to elevate Scrobbld to the next level. A quick trip to the UK aligned all three partners’ visions. Although India’s e-commerce sector was in its early stages, the team foresaw its potential to become the next big thing. They began working on an advanced version of the multichannel order management system, building it from the ground up, and named it Browntape. This went on to power thousands of sellers in various ecommerce marketplaces.

2019: Ginesys Acquires Browntape
In a significant development, Browntape was acquired by Ginesys, a leading provider of retail and ERP software solutions. This acquisition marks a new chapter in our journey, promising to bring even more robust and integrated omnichannel solutions to our customers.
Ginesys, known for its comprehensive suite of retail management tools, saw the potential in Browntape’s innovative approach to order and inventory management. By joining forces, we aim to deliver enhanced capabilities and a more seamless experience for retailers. We are excited about this new phase and look forward to continuing to serve our customers with even greater efficiency and innovation.

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