5 E-Commerce Trends to Look Out for in 2015

These are great days to be in e-commerce. In India and worldwide, e-commerce and online retail have been seeing some amazing progress, and it is no surprise that consumers have finally gotten used to this new way to shop. The Indian e-commerce market saw its biggest year in 2014, and if the predictions are correct, […]

“Bylane e-commerce surprise” (Browntape in Times of India)

This is what Times of India had to say about us .. Even as Laxmikant Parsekar’s government struggles to boost investment and create employment, a small yet innovative e-commerce start-up has shown the way, just meters away from the chief minister’s secretariat office. A stroll along the empty streets of the Journalist’s colony in Porvorim leads […]

E-Commerce Packaging Ideas Your Customers will Love

For a customer, receiving a package from the online retailer is supposed to be a wonderful experience. It is like receiving a gift one bought for oneself some time ago. Although it is probably the most heartwarming part of abusiness, it is here that most online retailers face an extremely tough test – to humanize the business […]

E-Commerce Marketing Metrics that You Should Measure on a Daily Basis

E-commerce marketing is a difficult game to play, mainly because it has no definite set of rules. Rather, you have to learn from past experiences and keep collecting data. This data then becomes the heart and soul of your online marketing strategy, once you get done analyzing it. For an online retail business owner, collecting […]

What Sells Most in the Indian E-Commerce Market?

The first question every online retail newbie has when they enter the sector is, ‘what to sell?’ The Long Tail Phenomenon, propounded and discussed by Chris Anderson, the editor of Wired Magazine tells you not to fret about this question much. Every product has a profitable place in the online market, however niche it is. […]

Hey, is it time to re-platform?

Web based shopping is a highly diverse field that has been changing at an astounding rate. To be ahead of the competition here requires clear foresight and the ability to take major decisions effectively. Re-platforming is one such decision. An online shopper is looking for a seamless, efficient and a friendly way to shop, and […]

5 Tips for a Great Return Policy

The true basis of e-commerce transactions does not lie in any form of technology, be it mail, internet or smartphones. It lies in the idea of trust. The customer trusts the seller to provide a product or a service even though they have never met or physically interacted with each other, so much so that […]

Maintaining Accounts for Your eCommerce Business – Do it Right

Maintaining accounts for a business is one of the most difficult tasks while starting up. As your enterprise starts to grow, a seemingly easy debit-credit sheet suddenly starts sprouting branches. There are suppliers, logistics providers, taxes, customers, refunds and the list goes on – all of which need to be accounted for. Good accounting makes […]

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