E-commerce marketing is a difficult game to play, mainly because it has no definite set of rules. Rather, you have to learn from past experiences and keep collecting data. This data then becomes the heart and soul of your online marketing strategy, once you get done analyzing it.

For an online retail business owner, collecting metrics is not something new. In fact, we previously wrote an article about 5 reports that you should make every week as an online business owner. Today we will be talking about a more specific area of marketing metrics. You might employ a variety of marketing tools to promote your online retail business. They can be anything from different social media pages, your website, to mailing lists. Each of these has a place in the online marketing hierarchy and each of these can provide you with a solid set of data. Some of these metrics take time to accumulate into usable data, and thus you should collect and analyze them in due time. But many of them are transient enough to be looked at on a daily basis.

So here is a list of metrics that you should keep an eye on every day.

Website Related Metrics

Your website is the clearest indicator of how your business is doing on a particular day. Things you should check out through your website are –

Email Related Metrics

Mailing list marketing is still one of the most popular marketing techniques in the online world. Here is a nifty infographic that tells you how to strategize your email marketing for maximum results. You would send hundreds of emails per day to your mailing list. Here is what you should check at the end of the day.

Social Media Metrics

Social media can be your best friend or your worst enemy depending upon how you treat it. While most of you would have pages on Facebook, Twitter, etc., it is important to keep an eye on them all the time and see how your online image is doing in real time.

Google AdWords

AdWords is surely making a lot of money for Google, but it can do the same to you if you know how to use it properly. We previously wrote an informative article on AdWords and how to deal with it. Here we give you a passing mention of metrics you should keep a regular eye on.

So tomorrow morning when you’re having breakfast, make sure that you’re also browsing through most of these metrics. If you have any queries or need more information about anything related to online retail, get in touch with Browntape. We’re always happy to help.

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