How to Save up on Logistics Costs

An oft-neglected area while planning an ecommerce business is logistics. Logistics is the actual process with which your product is stored, transported and delivered to your customers. So, while it is important to fiddle with your website UI to make it more engaging, and promote your venture online so that people shop on your website, […]

5 Actionable Ways to Improve Customer Loyalty on Your Online Store

In the cutthroat world on online sales, customer loyalty means everything. It means more market share, higher profits, higher brand recognition and a stable, growing business. Customer loyalty has two important benefits – firstly, it means the conversion of a one-time shopper into a trusted customer who would always come to you for their shopping […]

How to Decide on The Selling Price of Your Products?

Pricing your products for the online market can be a tough job, especially because as an online retailer, you have to face competition from hundreds of other retailers who might be selling the same/similar products. A few months ago we published an article that talked about some unusual pricing strategies that make use of certain […]

How to Categorize Your Products on Your Online Portal

Think of it this way – when you enter a supermarket looking for a toothbrush, and you find it in the pet food section, aren’t you frustrated? Categorisation in the real world is done to increase efficiency for both the customer and the seller. Imagine frustrated customers leaving their shopping and storming out of your […]

How to Maintain a Good Seller’s Rating on Marketplaces

Online marketplaces are ultra-competitive platforms, and excelling in them can be a difficult prospect. It is not uncommon to find many sellers on an online marketplace selling the same product, especially consumer retail like electronics and apparel. (Interestingly, electronics and apparel rank at the top in the list of the most popular product categories sold […]

How to Enhance Your Product Sales with Good Photography

The other day I was going through a prominent online marketplace looking for a case for my cell phone. As any user would, I used the search option, toggled the price range to sort the results from low to high, and started browsing. What I noticed was that I was seeking more information from the […]

Everything You Need to Know About Drop Shipping

Sales is an evolutionary entity, and evolution happens at a very fast paced rate with it. The subdivision of wholesale and retail, the emergence of catalogue based sales, the idea of malls, and finally that of selling online are things that have come up in less than the past hundred years. Drop shipping is an […]

5 E-Commerce Trends to Look Out for in 2015

These are great days to be in e-commerce. In India and worldwide, e-commerce and online retail have been seeing some amazing progress, and it is no surprise that consumers have finally gotten used to this new way to shop. The Indian e-commerce market saw its biggest year in 2014, and if the predictions are correct, […]

“Bylane e-commerce surprise” (Browntape in Times of India)

This is what Times of India had to say about us .. Even as Laxmikant Parsekar’s government struggles to boost investment and create employment, a small yet innovative e-commerce start-up has shown the way, just meters away from the chief minister’s secretariat office. A stroll along the empty streets of the Journalist’s colony in Porvorim leads […]

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