Valentine’s Day is all about love. Love for your significant other, family and friends. The days building up to this lovefest are meant for online selling entities to enjoy. Your products could serve as gifts. And since Valentine’s Day is not restricted to couples anymore, there will be a lot of gifts exchanged! In Asia, the average Valentine’s Day spending amounts to $274 (approximately). And in India, the combined Valentine’s Day spending was 15 billion rupees, in the year 2013. Showing us just how popular the 14th of February has become.

So in the in the spirit of Valentine’s Day, we are going to show you how to make a love connection as an online seller on any given day. Here are your Valentine’s Day rules For ecommerce:

What Online Sellers need to love!

  1. Love your marketplaces

We’ve already covered the love-hate relationship between online sellers and marketplaces. Yet one cannot exist without the other. You need to work out your issues and do your best to get along. That’s easier said than done, true. Some online sellers feel like they are ignored when they raise issues. The moment you are wronged by a marketplace let them know your difficulties. And if you feel your legitimate cause is being ignored, make your hurt feelings public. Get the support of other sellers going through the same troubles as you.

At the same time, be a good listener. And hear your marketplace out. Follow their regulations and thoroughly read through their propositions and policies. No one ever said love was easy! You need to do a bit of work to build a durable bond.

  1. Love your customers

That includes potential clients too. Your customers are your source of income. So treat them right. Let them know upfront who you are through your products. Do not lead them on if you have no intention of fulfilling your promises. People are looking for someone they can rely on. And if you break their trust earning it back is next to impossible. Remember a lost customer is a lost income!

Provide clear pictures and descriptions of your products. This way shoppers understand what they are buying. To deepen your connection with customers offer them product discounts. When your marketplace gives you the chance to offer discounts, use it to woo your customers. Guarantees and warranties are always nice. To maintain customer loyalty, give them offers they cannot refuse, like free delivery, on time delivery and other irresistible deals.

  1. Love your work

If you love your online business, there is nothing that could shake your determination to prosper. As a business person your goal is to make money. But concentrating only receiving will not take you far. To become unstoppable you must nurture your business. Start with your business plan. What are you selling, to whom are you selling, what is the ideal price and how to lure people in. Get to know the basic mechanism of online selling and how Indian ecommerce functions.

Stay current with the latest ecommerce news and acquire ecommerce assistance to stay ahead of the game. Browntape helps sellers sync their accounts on various marketplaces. But that is just one of our many features. In addition to our software we also provide ecommerce assistance like marketplace account opening, product listing, inventory management, promotions, visibility optimization and much more. This way, you can concentrate on what you enjoy best – directing a business.

These are only a few points to help you get your priorities straight. To know more about ecommerce get in touch with our experts at Browntape. We are India’s leading ecommerce solutions experts and we are always happy to help!

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