Want to sell overseas? Here’s 5 online marketplaces to explore!

India has one of the fastest growing e-commerce industries in the world, in terms of both supply and demand. With the total turnover of the Indian e-commerce market slated to cross $16 billion in 2015, its growth can only be described as meteoric. But it is no wonder that an entrepreneur would look at the […]

Top 5 Price Comparison Sites in India

Price comparison sites are the lifeblood of online retail. A good online customer spends as much time on a price comparison site as they spend on the actual online sales platform. It is no wonder that today there are quite a few price comparison sites available for the Indian online market. Price comparison sites are […]

5 Ways to Improve Abandoned Cart Emails

Imagine a typical shopping experience. A customer is on your website, browsing your products. Maybe they like an item or two. Maybe they mindlessly add those items to their shopping cart. And then, maybe they lose interest, or receive an important email or remember that they had to feed their cat or simply change their […]

What is Affiliate Marketing? Should You Outsource it?

Affiliate marketing is a process of earning commission by promoting products or services of another company along with your product. At first glance, the concept seems a bit off – why would you spend resources promoting another brand if you could use the same to promote yourself? But in reality, affiliate marketing, when done effectively, […]

Track Your Remittance: New Browntape feature

The best part about selling online on multiple channels is getting the rewards – payment. But payment procedures on e commerce sites are not as easy as they sound. A large company like Flipkart sells around 10 products per minute, and on a good sales day, makes more than Rs.600 crores in a day. Moving […]

How to Increase Revenues with Upselling and Cross Selling

In the quest to become a successful online seller, two tactics will always be your best friends – upselling and cross selling. There is generally a bit of confusion about these two, and many people tend to confuse one with the other. In actuality, they are two very different yet complementary strategies that you can […]

5 Simple Ways to Retain Customers and Make them Shop More

Customer retention is the name of the game. If you are an online retailer, you cannot thrive in the market without conserving a loyal customer base. Oftentimes, this is the major conundrum that the average online retailer has to face – how to retain customers? But why is customer retention so important? Loyal customers are […]

5 Actionable Ways to Improve Customer Loyalty on Your Online Store

In the cutthroat world on online sales, customer loyalty means everything. It means more market share, higher profits, higher brand recognition and a stable, growing business. Customer loyalty has two important benefits – firstly, it means the conversion of a one-time shopper into a trusted customer who would always come to you for their shopping […]

How to Decide on The Selling Price of Your Products?

Pricing your products for the online market can be a tough job, especially because as an online retailer, you have to face competition from hundreds of other retailers who might be selling the same/similar products. A few months ago we published an article that talked about some unusual pricing strategies that make use of certain […]

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