E-Commerce Packaging Ideas Your Customers will Love

For a customer, receiving a package from the online retailer is supposed to be a wonderful experience. It is like receiving a gift one bought for oneself some time ago. Although it is probably the most heartwarming part of abusiness, it is here that most online retailers face an extremely tough test – to humanize the business […]

E-Commerce Marketing Metrics that You Should Measure on a Daily Basis

E-commerce marketing is a difficult game to play, mainly because it has no definite set of rules. Rather, you have to learn from past experiences and keep collecting data. This data then becomes the heart and soul of your online marketing strategy, once you get done analyzing it. For an online retail business owner, collecting […]

Which Part of India is Contributing The Most to E-Commerce Growth?

E-commerce has seen a lot of firsts this year. New trends have come about; myths have been busted; new markets have emerged; but all of these point towards a brighter future for the e-commerce industry in general. With no intentions of bursting any bubble, we analysed some data, that points to facts which may be surprising […]

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