Online selling is a competitive business, with the end goal – sell more to earn more. India is the fastest growing online retail country in Asia Pacific. And the level of difficulty, when competing in Indian ecommerce, varies from new comers to long term players. This means, no one can guarantee you risk free business on the internet. Everyone needs to stay on guard making sure they do not sink. As a result each online seller is on the lookout for promotion strategies that will drive sales to the top and secure their position.

There are an infinite number of things you can do to make a splash in the Indian online market. But without the basic essentials you may not be able to reach your goals or breakeven. Before you dive into internet selling, you may want to take a look at what you’ll need. As for those who already have their business up and running, make sure you haven’t missed out any of the following essentials for online selling:-

  1. Developing an attractive e-store

If you plan on having an online store in addition to your other sales channels, you need to make sure the store is attractive and interesting. Check out your competitors for a clear idea on what an online store should look like. Then get in touch with an ecommerce platform like Shopify, Kartrocket or 3Dcart and utilize their services to custom build your e-store. Note, the attractiveness of an online store lies not only in its appearance, but also its functioning. So you will need to work on the store’s features as well, ensuring people can easily view your wares, compare them and purchase them. At the same time make sure you use the best ecommerce platform that lets your web-store be SEO friendly.

  1. Joining an online marketplace

With the existence of online marketplaces you don’t have to deal with the hassles of setting up a web-store. All the major online facilities are available to you, which reduce the costs of setting up your online business. You can establish your brand then venture out (if you like). In case you already have an online store, joining a marketplace will serve as another channel to sell your goods. People will have more confidence in your products when they buy your goods from trusted marketplaces and you can use the marketplaces resources to operate round the clock. However, you need to be aware that marketplaces have restrictions and rules that sellers must follow. So, your flexibility is reduced. And, so is your ability to standout. But worry not there is a way to work around this.

  1. Launching an app

If business is booming, it’s time you added an app to your online selling tool box. A mobile app can help boost your sales by giving you access to on the go shoppers and other consumers who only use the internet through their smartphones. This can result in exponential sales growth. And, if you plan on using a marketplace to get your products out there, make sure you sign up for the ones with app services. Bare in mind, for your app to be successful you will need to do some research and a couple of tests. You do not want to launch an app that inevitably fails, due to unforeseen circumstances. So check your success with your online store website then accordingly launch your app (compatible with the device users you want to target – e.g. Apple, Android and Windows).

  1. Getting the support of ecommerce enablers

Your e-retail arsenal should comprise of ecommerce enablers. These guys help online sellers keep their business afloat and glide easily through the competitive online market. For example, Browntape helps e-sellers by offering them multi-channel software to manage their orders and inventory across the multiple marketplaces and channels they use. In addition to that, Browntape also provides sellers the benefit of enterprise services, all you need to do is outsource your ecommerce to us and we will take care of the rest.

  1. Making use of ecommerce tools

As an online seller you cannot rely on chance to sell your products. For a physical business you need to study the market and understand what’s working and what’s not. Who’s buying and who isn’t. Running an online business makes it difficult to see who’s visiting your store but with the help of a couple of tools you can accurately determine how well you are performing. Google Analytics is a tool that provides you with vital insights on customers visiting your website and checking out your goods. WordPress on the other hand helps you customize your business website and blog, so you can develop ideal content that is search engine friendly.

  1. Using social media

Social media is fundamental in almost everything you do online. It gives you the platform you need to advertise your products and interact with consumers directly. Even online marketplace sellers can use social media to their advantage. How? Search engine rankings! A person looking for the kind of goods you sell can easily find you if you have good social media popularity. But, the numerous social mediums can become a burden when you sign up to them all. Lucky for you social media managing tools like Buffer can help you manage your social media. This kind of software enables you to update all your social media channels in one move.

To get the jump on your competitors, get in touch with us at Browntape, We are India’s leading ecommerce solutions experts, and we are always happy to help!

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