Track Your Remittance: New Browntape feature

The best part about selling online on multiple channels is getting the rewards – payment. But payment procedures on e commerce sites are not as easy as they sound. A large company like Flipkart sells around 10 products per minute, and on a good sales day, makes more than Rs.600 crores in a day. Moving […]

How to Manage Your Offline and Online Stores Together.

Although with every passing year, the realization that one can not only survive, but also thrive solely on the basis of an online ecommerce business, is gaining impetus among online business owners, owning and operating a ‘real’, offline store still holds its own value. We have not (yet) entered a virtual age so drastic for […]

6 ways to Use Analytics to Make More Profits in Online Sales

Analytics for internet transactions is how one keeps track of all user interactions with a seller’s page/website. If you own an independent website as a seller and want to gather numbers for it, Google Analytics is your best friend. Google Analytics captures real time data and presents it in a format that can help drive the evolution […]

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