Gratitude is an underrated virtue. People hardly have the time or inclination to thank each other. Which is why as an online seller, this should be at the top of your list. Thank your customers for shopping with you. It will earn you brownie points and repeat sales.

Why say ‘thank you’ to ecommerce customers?

Send personalised notes to your customers. A personalised thank you note helps you stand out from the crowd. Amid a hundred different sellers, your thoughtfulness can help you make a good impression on your buyers.

You have many incentives to do this, such as:

– Customers like being appreciated

It feels good to be appreciated. Appreciation works as a morale booster for everyone from employees to service providers to family members. Take a moment out to tell your customers that you are thinking about them.

– It makes customers happy

We all know that happy customers are easier to retain, and it is cheaper to retain customers than to attract new ones.

– Appreciation leads to promotion

It will help your business in the long run. Happy customers are likelier to recommend you to their social circle. Conversely, unhappy customers are also likely to warn their social circle against unhappy experiences. As they say, bad news travels fast. Plus, customers can be unforgiving of the slightest of lapses. Therefore, it is in your best interest to keep them happy. One way to do this is by regularly expressing your gratitude.

– Reviewers are valuable influencers

Thank a shopper for a review, even if it pointed out something unpleasant. Respond to the review in public, and say that your team is considering the matter and apologise for the lapse. Try to follow up with the matter and reach out to the buyer with a solution. If it is a good review, simply say thanks.

– Your customers might leave

A Superoffice study noted that a great majority of customers would leave if they felt that the seller was not appreciative or attentive enough. You don’t want that in this era of cut-throat competition.



What are the different ways to say ‘thanks’?

While you doubtlessly say, ‘thank you for shopping with us’ at the end of a transaction, here are a few other things you can do:

Thank them by name. Address them by their first name, and say thanks for buying the product that they did. A personal touch shows that you are an involved retailer, and every customer matters to you.

Offer a discount on their next purchase. This is the oldest trick in the book and is suitable for first-time buyers.

Add a small trinket to their purchase. It need not be related to the item bought, it could be anything from a keychain or change purse or a bookmark or a pocket comb.

Special days call for some special thanks. We have said this before; keep shoppers’ birthdays and other special days in mind. Say ‘thanks for being our loyal customer. Here is a little something on your birthday/anniversary/x number of years since you signed up to our site’. Give a small present or offer.

Depending on your area of operations, give out free workshops. You could do an online workshop or give a brief DIY mail.

Include recommendations. Express your gratitude, and suggest what they should buy next. ‘Here are a few things we think you will like’. The following is a good example of a recommendation in a thank you card:


Even though it indicates a physical sale, it is a good example of how you can entice your customer to shop again.

Browntape thanks all of you for your continued patronage! Give us more reasons to thank you by sharing this article and leaving your comments below. And, if you need help with your online business, reach out to Browntape. We are India’s largest ecommerce service providers and we are always happy to help.

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