Drive More Traffic to Your Online Store

Every online retailer faces the conflicting issue of how to get people to their online store. There are measures you can take to ensure greater traffic on your web store.

Below are ways to drive traffic to your online store :

Search engines employ a certain algorithm to sort out through the internet and answer your search results. Top relevant results appear on the first page based on rankings. Moulding the content and the look of your website to make sure that it would appear on top in the search results is known as search engine optimization.

Have an active blog tab in your website to stay relevant and avoid static content from becoming outdated. Add new fresh content on your website through a relevant blog consisting of product reviews and tech news.


This word-of-mouth marketing strategy is the heart and soul of online retail for the beginning stages of your brand creation. Offer discounts to your existing customers if they refer your store to their friends.


As a business, there are many tools that can provide you a steady growth in terms of popularity on social media sites:

Blogs and YouTube – Create buzz of various product review on blogs and vlogs using keyword search tools like Google Analytics and YouTube search.


Facebook and Twitter – Re-promote your content from one social media platform to the others. Measure and analyze the impact of your posts using Facebook Insights and Twitter Analytics tools. Use Twitter Advanced Search to be updated on keywords.


Instagram – Instagram is an ignored but an immensely powerful social media site offering brand names 25 times more visibility than other social media sites. Using Websta, Instagram’s keyword search tool, you can search keywords that interest you, find popular users who regularly use these keywords, contact them and ask for their help to promote your brand by giving them free samples.


Contact Us for more related tips and ideas to boost your online sales

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