Everything You Need to Know About Using Chatbots to Grow


Everything You Need to Know About Using Chatbots to Grow Your Online Business We understand that the concept of chatbots could be intimidating. Even so, while some robots make us feel good, others make us feel agitated. Robots, on the other hand, aren’t here to take overthe planet. They’ve come to make things easy for […]

Mayank Bhatia

Browntape already has trained teams in all domains. So business has grown with certain speed with support provided by Browntape and we are looking forward to touch new heights with them.

Praneet Rangi

Browntape has helped me consolidate my marketplaces, I don’t have to worry anymore! The steady rise in sales keeps me smiling.

Rahul Kalra

From nothing to flourishing on more than 10 marketplaces, in just 6 months! Kudos to Browntape.

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