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Here’s a message for our beloved clients on Valentine’s Day: (See Complete List of Browntape’s Customers here) See: Complete List of Browntape’s Customers
5 Must Read Books for Entrepreneurs
Books. Can’t eat them, can’t live without them. Books have always been the guiding light for humanity and a doorway into satisfying curiosity, among other things. Although some might argue that the advent of the internet age might have toned down the importance of books in our lives, we believe it’s quite the contrary. In […]
5 Things NOT to do with Your Online Retail Store
Managing your online retail store can be a very rewarding experience. There are things that you really ought to do while managing your online store, and we have written about them previously. But what about the things you should NOT do while managing your online retail store? We could have gone in a lot of […]
5 Entrepreneurs You Can Draw Inspiration From
The decision to deviate from the well-beaten path and start one’s own enterprise is a tough one. It involves a lot of courage, patience and dedication to just start a business, let alone be successful at it. During tough times – and tough times there will be – it helps to know that there are […]
Lessons Every Online Retailer Can Learn from the Father of Our Nation
We just celebrated Gandhi Jayanti yesterday and like every year it attempted to be a little more than the annual occasion for all politicians to declare their affiliation to the father of our nation, airing Richard Attenborough’s Gandhi on DD1 and making the same dry day jokes as last year. This time though, we are […]