selling online has its set of challenges. However, one thing that is common in both etail and retail is customer satisfaction. It is important that your customers have a happy shopping experience. It is also quite an elusive state to achieve, with shoppers sulking at any inconvenience.

What are the things that irk ecommerce shoppers?

Browntape looks at things from a shoppers’ point of view to list out some sore points that are preventing them from having a great shopping experience (which in turn is holding them back from coming to you for more purchasing).

Here are some things that annoy shoppers to no end:

1. A complicated maze

The site navigation has to be user friendly. Have a simple navigation that enables shoppers to get to their desired page in a few steps.

2. Making the search a treasure hunt

When a shopper is searching for a particular product, they should be able to locate it easily. A shopper with average patience would lose interest and leave if they are unable to search for and find a product that they want.

3. No feedback option

If there is something that the shopper wants to complain about, or appreciate you for, give them a suitable platform. A contact page is a common feature for all sites, but if you can create a separate option for feedback your customers will thank you for it. It makes you accessible and accountable. This is not the same as a contact form. This is a specific platform for your customers to give you feedback. It need not be public.

4. Flat descriptions

Experts on ecommerce agree that you have to be a little imaginative when you describe the products. A lazy person would simply copy paste the text that the manufacturers give. Retain the basics and the technical details, but elaborate on the general text. Employ an experienced copywriter to create the text for you so that you get the benefit of search engine optimisation (SEO).

5. No reviews

Everyone will tell you that it is important to display customer reviews on your site. The benefit of having reviews on your site is twofold – it testifies for your company’s age and experience, and it shows that you value your customers’ opinion and experience on your site. However, if you are a newbie, wait till you have a sizeable number of shoppers before you enable the review section. Because if there is a review page with no reviews, it calls attention to the fact that you are new, and not many have started shopping with you.

6. Non-existent customer support

If you don’t have an active customer support team (or worse, no team), then it is the perfect downward path. Your customer support team should ideally be available via chat, email and phone. You don’t want your shoppers to be groping in the dark for any information they need.

7. Sub-standard logistics

In ecommerce, it is hara-kiri to break your word of delivering on the promised date. Your logistics department or partner has to be on their toes to ensure smooth shipping. For better results spread out your deliveries among multiple service providers. Particularly during festive sales, you need all the help you can get to reach the products to the shoppers.

These pointers should help you overcome any issues that are annoying your customers. If you need help with any specific issues, reach out to us at Browntape. We are India’s largest ecommerce service providers and are ready to help.

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